
Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Iron Chink

At Seattle, I encountered a machine processing salmons in MoHAI (Museum of History and Industry).  The name of the machine is Iron Chink.  It was invented at the beginning of the 20th century when there were many Chinese working in the fish processing facilities.  The name "Iron Chink" sounds racial and the inventors or manufacturers were trying to market the machine as a viable replacement for Chinese labor.

The machine is described

In 1902, machines started replacing the Chinese cannery workers who butchered and canned the fish. The machine, called the Iron Chink, slit the fish open, cut off the fins, and removed the guts. With this machine, workers could process fish 50% to 75% faster than they could by hand. At the same time, this invention put many Chinese laborers out of work.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


我是星星 我是月亮 我是天空绽放的一束光芒
我是花朵 我是太阳 我是准备飞翔的一双翅膀
这里为我起飞的地方 老师像妈妈一样美丽善良 伴我起舞 陪我歌唱 让我变成我期待的模样 
我喜欢棉花糖堆成的宝藏 也喜欢用画笔画出七彩的梦想 朋友们陪我 一起长大 
这里是我的家 也是梦想开始的地方 
我喜欢天空般自由的课堂 也要聪明勇敢做最精彩翱翔 在这里我会茁壮地成长 
这里是我的家 也是梦想开始的地方

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The French Revolution is ...

Alexis de Tocqueville

Antoine Lavoisier
Madame Roland
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette

Black Death and Yersinia Pestis

Black Death 黑死病
1347-1353 Europe

1894 Hong Kong
Kitasato Shibasaburō (北里 柴三郎)
Alexandre Yersin
Discovery of Yersinia pestis

1910 Northeastern China